Skye MiniMet Weather Station
The Skye MiniMet2 Budget Weather Station is affordable and ideal for small scale projects or for those with budgetary restrictions. It's a robust station, weatherproof and designed for all types of installation and location.
According to the new Bat Survey Guidelines:
2.6.2 Environmental conditions affect bat activity and therefore surveyors should check weather forecasts prior to surveys for active bats and record those conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation. These variables should be recorded at the start and end of each survey and if conditions change during the survey. For longer surveys ... conditions should be recorded hourly. Equipment used should be accurate (recording temperature using a car or bat detector is unlikely to be acceptable) and the equipment used should be stated in reporting.
2.6.3 When ecologists are not present (for example, during automated/static monitoring surveys) weather conditions should still be recorded. A temperature/humidity logger will not record all relevant information and meteorology data available online may not have been recorded very close to the site. A small weather station (one example is a skye minimet weather station) that accurately records temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall at least every 15 minutes is likely to be the best option. These data provide context to the survey results and therefore a plan should be in place to ensure it is recorded/obtained.
The Skye MiniMet weather station is available as a complete kit with the right modules for recording temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and precipitation, as well as a data hub for recording this data.
Kit includes:
- 5 channel DataHog 2 with waterproof sockets
- Pole mount and fixings for DataHog 2 loggers with up to 9 channels/sockets
- rht+ Relative Humidity and Temperature probe - with thermistor temperature sensor, 3m cable and DataHog connector
- Standard radiation screen with pole/wall mount for rht+ probes (12 dishes)
- Combined wind speed & direction sensor with 3m cable and DataHog connector. Includes pole mount and fixings
- Pole mount for two wind sensors
- Tipping bucket Raingauge with 6m cable and DataHog connector
- Portable 2m mast - mast is two 1m masts joined together, mounted on metal plate, with guylines & pegs
Other options are available by request, including soil temperature probe with 3m cable and DataHog connector; Pyranometer sensor with 3m cable and DataHog connector; levelling unit and pole mount for Pyranometer sensor; Barometer with 3m cable and DataHog connector; GPRS housing unit with modem controller, pole mount & aerial; 30 watt solar panel & bracket to recharge 12v battery; Data Allowance contract SIM card (paid 12 months in advance); MiniMetView+ Live Display and Graphing Suite, 12 month subscription.
Main image includes pyranometer, combined windspeed & direction sensor, relative humidity/air temperature sensors and radiation screen, raingauge and DataHog. The kit does not contain the pyranometer.
Please contact us for availability.